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  What is DevOps? Devops is an investment that spans the entire life cycle. Devops is a collaborative effort. Better software development and delivery processes are enabled by Devops. Devops helps you get to the last mile of continuous delivery faster. "DevOps is the combination of Cultural Philosophies , practices and tools that increases an organizations ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity." -AWS "DevOps is a collaborate and multidisciplinary effort within an organization to automate continuous delivery of new software versions, while guaranteeing their correctness and reliability." -L Leite "DevOps is the outcome of applying the most trusted principles from the domain of physical manufacturing and leadership to the IT value stream." The Devops Hand book -Gene Kim, Patrick Debois, et al. What is the process of Devops? From the design phase to production release and support, DevOps aims to combine the skills of operations

Google Hacking

 Google Hacking using Google to fetch confidential information is called Google Hacking. Google dorks can be defined as keywords that can get you confidential information like Admin panel of web pages Passwords of premium accounts Access to confidential information What's not? Good dorks make your task easy. Let's discuss some dorks which I found out to be important out of 1000's. filetype: It is one of the dorks which provides information on the search with the file type you mentioned. Site: this dork provides the information you wish to see on a particular site Calc: it provides accurate answers within milliseconds to your mathematical operations Cache: Retrieves the copy of websites from google servers and presents how it was when google bot crawled. Obtaining Credit cards information: This dork provides the information of credit card pins. which are saved in the .sql dump file CCTV: It broadcasts live streaming of CCTVs in various locations. Weather: These particu

Ethical Hacking Programs

ETHICAL HACKING PROGRAMS 1.    Installing Kali Linux, windows 7, windows 10 2.       PhishingAttacks 3.       The real-time practice of Injections which mainly includes SQL Injection 4.       TCP/IP High Jacking 5.       SocialEngineering 6.       Administrativepassword cracking 7.       Hackingwindows 7, windows 8, windows 10 using metasploit 8.       Hackingwindows 7, 8 ,10 using backdoor 9.       GoogleHacking 10.   EmailSpoofing

Big Data Analytics Programs

  List of Programs for Big Data Analytics   CLICK ON ME 1.  Implement the following Data structures in Java       a)  Linked Lists            b)   Stacks       c)  Queues     d)   Set            e)   Map 2.  Perform setting up and Installing Hadoop in its three operating modes:      Standalone,     Pseudo distributed,     Fully distributed. 3.  Implement the following file management tasks in Hadoop:    a) Adding files and directories    b) Retrieving files    c) Deleting files 4. Run a basic Word Count Map Reduce program to understand Map Reduce Paradigm. 5. Write a Map Reduce program that mines weather data.     Weather sensors collecting data every hour at many locations across the globe gather a large volume of log data, which is a good candidate for analysis with MapReduce since it is semi-structured and record-oriented. 6. Implement Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop Map Reduce 7. Write a MapReduce program to count the occurrence of similar words in a file. Use partitioner to part


In order to understand the nature of data it is necessary to categorize them into various types.  Different categorizations of data are possible.  The first such categorization may be on the basis of disciplines, e.g., Sciences, Social Sciences, etc. in which they are generated.  Within each of these fields, there may be several ways in which data can be categorized into types. There are four types of data:  Nominal  Ordinal  Interval  Ratio  Each offers a unique set of characteristics, which impacts the type of analysis that can be performed. The distinction between the four types of scales center on three different characteristics: The order of responses – whether it matters or not The distance between observations – whether it matters or is interpretable The presence or inclusion of a true zero Nominal Scales Nominal scales measure categories and have the following characteristics: Order: The order of the responses or observations does not matter.  Distance: Nominal scales do not