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 Big Data Analytics Lab Programs

1.      Implement the following Data structures in Java for Linked Lists

2.  Perform setting up and Installing Hadoop in its three operating modes: Standalone, Pseudo distributed, Fully distributed

3.      Implement the following Data structures in Java for Stack

4.      Install and Run Pig then write Pig Latin scripts to sort, group, join, project, and filter your data

5.      Implement the following Data structures in Java for Queues

6.      Write a MapReduce program to search for a specific keyword in a file

7.      Implement the following Data structures in Java for Set

8.    Write a MapReduce program to count the occurrence of similar words in a file. Use partitioner to partition key based on alphabets

9.      Implement the following Data structures in Java for Map

10. Implement the following file management tasks in Hadoop: 1. Adding files and directories 2. Retrieving files 3. Deleting files

11.  Run a basic Word Count Map Reduce program to understand Map Reduce Paradigm.

12.  Implement Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop Map Reduce

13. To write a program to sort data by students name(value) using MapReduce
